Now Is The Time
Cathy Wallace
BMWC President
We have been through another year of challenges and realize that no
matter what successes we have had, there is still more for us to do. As
we write our New Year's resolutions, we think "this year I will do this"
and it is always in the future. Yes we must plan for the future, we must
think ahead, but at some point now is the time to act, to become
involved in your community, to make a difference. Once again we look
forward to providing two more high school students scholarships to help
build their futures. Now is the time for us to continue to grow, to
develop new programs for 2010 and beyond. Now is the time for you to
find out more about BMWC. Now is the time to become part of this
dedicated organization. Now is the time to make a difference in your
community. |