GFWC Blue Mountain
Women's Club |
Activities |
County Meeting |
October 2009
The Monroe County Federation of Women's Club celebrated 70 years of
service. BMWC had the highest percentage of members present at the
luncheon. Karoline Kormann was recognized for her past service as a
district past-president. Featured speaker was XXXXX speaking on the
subject of Child Advocacy. School supplies were collected for
distribution to area school students in need and a spirited fund raising
auction completed the event. |
Christmas Child |
October 2009
At the regular meeting, representatives from A Simple Gift gave a
presentation on how simple toys and items are packaged and sent to
children in need across the world. Members of BMWC joined in the
assembly process and gave of their time to put together gift boxes.
Members also individually donated additional boxes that were delivered
for distribution through A Simple Gift.
Shortcake |
August 2009
Blue Mountain Women's Club members took to the kitchen as the club once
again had a successful fund raiser at the Carbon County Fair. |
Tea |
July 2009
Prospective new members were invited to join the club in a tea reception
followed by the regular meeting. |
Installation |
June 2009
At the June meeting, officers were installed and new members were
inducted into the club. Officers were:Cathie Wallace - President
Karoline Korman - Treasurer/Secretary